Thursday, June 24, 2010

Week 3

Hello to our four readers! We've had another amazing few days, so we had to share!

  • We're finally getting some ministry started at the orphanage. We went a few days ago and did a craft with the kids. We traced each of their hands on a paper plate and let them paint "inside" along with our shirts :) We plan on using them to decorate the walls there, along with the verse that went with the bible story we shared today. Our friend Patrick (he and his brother Jimmy run the orphanage) translated for us while we told the story of David and Goliath. The kids were adorable acting out the part of David and "stabbing" Patrick, aka Goliath, with a "sword" (old lollipop stick). We can't wait to put the decorations up and try to add some color to the concrete walls they spend every day in. We plan on going to the orphanage more often to share bible stories with the kids, and are hoping to start some VBS stuff soon with the children in the surrounding areas.

  • We also got the chance to talk with one of the teachers at the orphanage (an 18-year old girl named Esther that is far more mature than us...hard to believe). She and the other two ladies that work with the children are very interested in possibly being involved in a women's bible study in the area. Esther knows a fair amount of English and agreed to help us lead. She wants to go through the book of Matthew, so we'll be beginnning with Matthew 1 on Saturday! We're really excited! Please be in prayer, as the language barrier could be difficult..

  • Two days ago we took a trip up to a place called "Light on a Hill." We've officially mastered peeing without a toilet here :). It's a community located on the top of a mountain that could serve as the potential sight for groups to come in and teach ESL, administer theological training, hold VBS, start discipleship groups, and/or teach music to the locals. Construction is also a possibility and is being considered in the next few days. Be in prayer as this is an area my dad, Nathan, might be put along with the college group from Immanuel.

  • After visiting "Light on a Hill" we went to Petit Guave, a town on a mountain about 3 hours from here. A church from Brentwood, Tennessee is partnering with a church in this area to build a few houses. Our friend Parker is leading the teams as they "rough it" at the local hotel with air conditioning, right on the beach! Kristi was very disappointed when we got there, though. She'd been "professionally trained" to administer shots earlier in the day by Delores, but the guys weren't sick anymore by the time we got there!

  • We were spoiled and got to travel again yesterday to Jimani, a city in the Dominican Republic right past the border. We went to help move some items from the last location Sam and Delores lived. The house was much different than our home now! It is called "Casa Blanca" in the community as it is a HUGE white house with a very large yard. Six bedrooms, six bathrooms, and an incredible view of the mountains...need we go on? It was neat though to travel just a few hours and be in such a different culture. One minute over the border and it is obvious how much better off the DR is from Haiti...even though it would be the slums of America. We practiced our Spanish finally! We were great with "No comprendo" and got plenty of frustrated "Aye aye aye"s at the bank. Crossing the border on our return was quite an adventure as well. As we rushed to make it in time, we were stopped by officials from both the DR and Haiti. For a minute it appeared that we might be spending the night in between the borders, but with God's hand we crossed with about ten minutes to spare. The ride was incredible..we were literally five feet from the ocean on one side, with endless mountains on the other. Sounds like we may even be going back tomorrow to sort through some more stuff.

Hopefully we'll get some pictures up soon. These stories really don't do justice the sights, sounds, and smells we experience every day. If you really wanna experience the smells, though, just stick your head in a dumpster for a few hours. As crazy as things may seem, we're really starting to fall in love with the people here. Haiti seems more like home every day.

Please continue to be praying for different teams as they come and go and that they bring energy and a willingness to serve in whatever way they are needed. Also remember the bible study we are beginning and the kids at the orphanage. Your prayers mean so much to us and we feel them all the time.

Also be in prayer that Nathan Cornett starts listening to the voice of God and comes a week early ;).


  1. Hey - Did you count me? I'm a reader, too! BTW - I have $$ for you that I never sent. I suppose you could use it? Or maybe I should send it to your mama so she can take your daddy and the youngsters to Big Boy in the ghetto van.

  2. yay!! we have 5 readers ;). Thanks though...I really appreciate it! I can share some love with the fam and ghetto van though I reckin. As long as the ghetto van takes me to Big Boy right when I'm back! lol. Hope everything is going well!
